Key Considerations in Selection of Accounting Policies as per AS-1

When it comes to preparing financial statements, selecting appropriate accounting policies is crucial to ensure accuracy and transparency. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued Accounting Standard (AS)-1, which highlights the primary considerations for selecting accounting policies. In this article, we’ll dive into the major concerns outlined in AS-1 and understand their significance.

Considerations in Selection of Accounting Policies as per AS-1 of ICAI


Accounting for uncertainties with caution is crucial to avoid misrepresenting a company’s financial health. Prudence is a concept that involves preparing financial statements with due care, particularly while making estimates or provisions for uncertain conditions. The objective is to ensure that neither the assets nor the income are overstated, and neither the liabilities nor the expenses are understated.

Prudence doesn’t permit the creation of hidden reserves, excessive provisions, deliberate understatement of assets/income, or deliberate overstatement of liabilities/expenses. Its aim is to maintain the quality of reliability and transparency in financial statements.

Prudence Concept: Ensuring Conservatism in Accounting

Substance over Form

Financial statements should reflect the actual transactions that occurred, not just the legal formalities. Substance over form is a concept that emphasizes that accounting treatment and presentation in financial statements should be based on the economic/financial reality of a transaction, rather than just its legal form.

For instance, if a piece of land has been sold, but the documentation and legal formalities are pending at the year-end, the transaction should still be recorded, using the concept of substance over form. This helps in presenting an accurate and transparent picture of the financial health of the company.

Substance over Form Concept: Ensuring Accuracy in Accounting


Materiality refers to the importance of a particular item in influencing the decisions of users of financial statements. Financial statements should disclose all material items that might affect the decision-making process of users. Determining materiality is subjective and based on a case-by-case analysis. It’s typically evaluated based on whether the item could substantially influence the process of decision-making by users.

Material misinformation or misrepresentation can have significant consequences, which is why determining materiality is crucial. The size and nature of the error in presenting an item in the financial statement are considered when evaluating materiality.

It’s important to note that while materiality is a quantitative aspect of financial information, relevance is a qualitative aspect.

Materiality Concept in Accounting: Challenges and Best Practices


Selecting accounting policies that accurately reflect a company’s financial health is critical. The ICAI has highlighted the major concerns that should govern the selection and implementation of accounting policies, including prudence, substance over form, and materiality. Understanding these concepts and applying them correctly can help companies prepare accurate and transparent financial statements, which are essential for maintaining the trust of investors, creditors, and other stakeholders.

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Key Considerations in Selection of Accounting Policies as per AS-1

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